Better approach = better results
After last week's less-than-stellar performance, I did some refining. My goal was to accomplish two things, one mental, one physical. The mental change was to try to evaluate my performance based upon how well I threw each shot, not how many pins that shot knocked down. The physical change was to try to roll the ball more as opposed to throwing it. I'm happy to report that both changes came off pretty well.
Game 1
X 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ X X X 62 XXX - 209
Because I wanted to focus on rolling the ball more, I also wanted to take a ball that provides a smoother reaction. In my arsenal, the Brunswick Melee is all about smooth. I was in the pocket each of the first eight shots, but my carry was suspect as I left two 9-pins, a 4-pin, and a half-10. Still, I liked the way I was projecting the ball into the lane. The only truly bad shot was the 4-6-7-10 I left in the 9th after missing my mark by four boards to the left. Still, I recovered with three nice shots in the 10th to salvage the 209.
Game 2
X 9/ 9/ X X X X X X 9- - 236
Before starting this game, I changed my setup position a little to get around the ball a bit more, and the results were fantastic. I was locked into the pocket all the way through this game. I left back-to-back ringing 10's in the 2nd and 3rd and another on the first ball in the 10th. Sadly, I released the conversion attempt very poorly, which caused me to miss the spare by an inch or two and throw away what should have been a 250+ game. Still, my execution was very good here, so I was happy.
Game 3
X 9/ X X 9/ X 81 9/ X XXX - 217
This game brought more of the same. I was getting the ball to roll off my fingers with ease, and it led to very smooth, strong roll and solid pin carry. I missed just a pinch inside in the 7th and thought I stood a good chance of tripping a 4-pin, but I was saddled with the 4-9. I quickly regrouped and packed the pocket on every shot the rest of the way. Other than a stoned 8-pin in the eighth, I struck the rest of the way for 217 and 662.
The series is certainly not anything to get jacked about, but I'm REALLY loving the way I am getting the ball off my hand. As I said before, I've always been more of a thrower of the ball. Now, I'm rolling the ball (I'm trying to model my release after Chris Barnes), and I like the read and reaction I'm getting. Plus, it seems to be allowing me to stay in one spot longer than I could before. All in all, this was a nice bounce-back week for me, and I'm already looking forward to getting back to the lanes!