2016-17 Season Stats
Games - 32
Total pins - 6,670
Avg. 208.4
High games - 266, 264, 258
Low game - 158
High series - 747
Low series - 536
Avg. series - 626.6
Games of 200 & up - 17
Games of 250 & up - 4
Total frames - 320
2015-16 Season Stats
Games - 94
Total pins - 19,972
Avg. 212.5
High games - 278, 269, 268
Low game - 164
High series - 730
Low series - 564
Avg. series - 636.4
Games of 200 & up - 62
Games of 250 & up - 4
Total frames - 940

Strike % - 54.4% (578 of 1,062)
Consecutive strikes in one game - 9
Spares - 36.5% (343 of 940)
Covers - 79.4% (343 of 432)
Single pin conversions - 91.1% (257 of 282)
Two-pin spare conversions - 54.9% (45 of 82)
Three-pin spare conversions - 66.7% (28 of 42)
Four-pin spare conversions - 61.9% (13 of 21)
Five-pin spare conversions - 0% (0 of 4)
Opens - 9.5% (89 of 940)
Splits - 4.9% (46 of 940)
Split conversions - 8.7% (4 of 46)
Average count - 9.3 (8714/940)
Single-pin conversions
10-pin - 100 of 119 (84%)
9-pin - 47 of 51 (92.2%)
8-pin - 5 of 5 (100%)
7-pin - 25 of 25 (100%)
6-pin - 12 of 13 (92.3%)
5-pin - 3 of 3 (100%)
4-pin - 34 of 34 (100%)
3-pin - 4 of 4 (100%)
2-pin - 27 of 28 (96.4%)
Strike % - 54.5% (193 of 354)
Consecutive strikes in one game - 9
Spares - 33.1% (106 of 320)
Covers - 72.1% (106 of 147)
Single pin conversions - 89.6% (69 of 77)
Two-pin spare conversions - 59.5% (22 of 37)
Three-pin spare conversions - 50% (9 of 18)
Four-pin spare conversions - 50% (5 of 10)
Five-pin spare conversions - 0% (0 of 4)
Opens - 12.8% (41 of 320)
Splits - 9.1% (29 of 320)
Split conversions - 17.2% (5 of 29)
Average count - 9.1 (2925/320)
Single-pin conversions
10-pin - 23 of 29 (79.3%)
9-pin - 12 of 14 (85.7%)
8-pin - 4 of 4 (100%)
7-pin - 8 of 8 (100%)
6-pin - 6 of 6 (100%)
5-pin - 0 of 0
4-pin - 11 of 11 (100%)
3-pin - 2 of 2 (100%)
2-pin - 3 of 3 (100%)
2014-15 Season Stats
Games - 84
Total pins - 18,206
Avg. 216.74
High games - 277, 275, 269, 267
Low game - 150
High series - 773, 728, 724, 717
Low series - 567
Avg. series - 650.21
Games of 200 & up - 52
Games of 250 & up - 12
Total frames - 840
Strike % - 57.58 (545/943)
Consecutive strikes in one game - 9
Spares - 31.43 (264/840)
Covers - 75.43% (264/350)
Single pin conversions - 88.63% (187/211)
Two-pin spare conversions - 62.71% (37/59)
Three-pin spare conversions - 50% (29/58)
Four-pin spare conversions - 52.63% (10/19)
Five-pin spare conversions - 0% (0/3)
Opens - 10.24% (86/840)
Splits - 4.52% (38/840)
Split conversions - 13.16% (5/38)
Average count - 9.29 (7801/840)