
Length: 38-40 feet
Volume: Medium
Type: (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Just THS at this point
Layout: Pin in ring finger, MB just beneath and right of the thumb hole
Coverstock prep: 3000 abralon
Likes: The ball gives me everything I want in an oil ball. It grabs the lane quickly and gives me total control throughout the lane. A pleasant surprise is that this ball doesn't burn up and quit the way many oilers do.
Dislikes: I really don't have any. If you use this piece on the conditions for which it was designed, you'll love it. I just wish I saw enough oil to use it more frequently!
Basically, this is what an oil ball is supposed to be. It's early, strong, smooth, and powerful. I haven't had many opportunities to use the Mastermind just yet; it's just that strong. In fact, I had to change the surface to 3000 abralon just to throw it at all on my house shot. In any case, when I do find enough oil for this beast, it's all that I need and then some!
The biggest selling point to me is the continuation displayed by the Mastermind. Many strong balls burn up early and offer nothing down the lane. That's not the case with the Mastermind. For me, the Mastermind reads very early, but it doesn't burn up and stop; on the contrary, it keeps hooking all the way down the lane and through the pins.
This isn't a stand left and open up the lane kind of ball for me. It's a ball that's ideal when you want smooth, strong motion throughout the lane on heavier patterns. I use it to square up and keep total control and traction throughout the lane. Basically, use the ball on the conditions for which it is designed, and you'll love it!
If you have questions or comments, please feel free to email me. I'm always willing to try to help fellow bowlers. Good luck and good bowling to all!