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Mastermind Genius
Length: 38-40 feet
Volume: Medium
Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Just THS at this point
Layout: Pin above ring finger, MB just right of thumb
Coverstock prep: 3000 abralon
Likes: Benchmark reaction - it is smooth, strong, and controllable throughout the lane; the ball is eye candy (looks great visually)
Dislikes: The OOB finish didn't work for me; the ball bled too early and didn't have much of anything left for the break point; however, a surface adjusment corrected that problem instantly.
The Mastermind Genius is one of the first Brunswick pieces I have bagged in a long time, and I am really impressed. The out-of-box finish of 500 Siar plus Royal Compound wasn't good for me. The ball was fine through the heads and mid, but there seemed to be nothing left at the break point. As such, a friend recommended I take it up to 3000 abralon. I did, and, voila, the ball was an immediate winner. With the 3000 matte finish, the ball was still plenty clean through the front and read the midlane nicely, but now the backend was smooth and strong as well. The lesson here is do not be afraid to alter the surface to fit your needs. The box finish kills it for some, but it didn't give me what I needed. As such, I changed it, and I immediately found a ton of success.
At the moment, the Genius is serving as a good benchmark ball for me. It is just butter-smooth from foul line through pin deck. I can usually use this ball for the first two games or so of league; however, if the Genius isn't reading soon enough, I can ball up to my Brutal Nightmare or original Mastermind. If the Genius starts to labor as I continue moving inside late in the set, I can immedately switch to my Melee Jab and get the look and shape I am looking for.
All in all, I am very, very pleased with the Mastermind Genius. The combination of smooth, strong motion, predictability, hitting power, and awesome color scheme make this ball a real winner in my book.
If you have questions or comments after reading this review, feel free to contact me via email. Good luck and good bowling to all!
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