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Brutal Nightmare


Length: 38-40 feet

Volume: Medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Just THS so far

Drilling - Pin above ring finger, MB just right of thumb

Coverstock prep: Box finish (500 plus Rough Buff)


Likes: The hybrid cover keeps it from rolling out at your feet, but the strong surface finish and core still make it a very, very strong ball. This ball can really chew through some oil!

Dislikes: Nothing notable

The Brutal Nightmare is only my second DV8 piece - the Endless Nightmare was my first - and I am extremely impressed with it! The ball comes with an intimidating 500 box finish plus rough buff. When you see a ball that appears to be as dull/matte as this one, you expect it to roll super early and have nothing left down the lane. That is not the case with the Brutal Nightmare. Yes, the ball does pick up quickly, but it doesn't die out in the heads, which allows the ball to still store plenty of energy for a big move down the lane.

For me, the Brutal is best on the fresh. Now, my THS is medium volume at best, so I have to start fairly deep in order to give this ball the fuel it needs. When I throw it properly, it makes a smooth, strong arc off the spot, and the hit is fantastic. The one downside is that I rarely have any miss room inside. That may seem like a weakness, but it's not. That just shows you that this ball hooks harder IN THE OIL than it does off the dry. That tells me that if/when I use this ball on truly serious oil, it's going to come to life and be even stronger than it is now! The hit with this piece is already top notch - very strong pin action, especially on mixers - so I can't imagine how good it will be on more volume!

All in all, if you're looking for a piece for medium-heavy to heavy oil, the Brutal Nightmare is going to be as much ball as 99% of bowlers will ever need. It is smooth, strong, and surprisingly versatile. If you have a chance to pick one of these up, do yourself a favor and take advantage of that opportunity; I don't think you'll regret it!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review, please contact me via private message. I am always willing to help in any way that I can. Good luck and good bowling to all!

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