League Season 2015-16 has begun!
Well, after a summer full of attempted twists and tweaks to my game, tonight was finally the night to get back to the lanes and start the weekly league process. I'm still in the midst of coaching some middle school softball, so my attention is a bit divided at the moment. Still, I went out there and gave it my best. Here is how Week 1 shaped up:
Game 1
X 9/ 8- 8/ X 9/ X X 8/ XX6 - 200
I got to the lanes a bit late due to a softball game, so I was only able to take two or three shadow balls. As such, I opted to start the night with my trusty Mastermind Intellect, the ball I threw with a lot of success on this condition last year.
I liked the look that I had, but the backends were very tough to control, especially with a ball with as much motor as the Intellect. I left 4-9's in the third and 9th. I almost made the one in the third, and I did manage to convert in the ninth, so that allowed me to salvage a respectable opening game.
Game 2
X 9- X 9/ X 71 X 9/ X X9/ - 183
This game was disappointing. I stuck with the Intellect because I didn't trust my feel in a couple of my more recently drilled balls. I was in and around the pocket the entire game, but that only led to six strikes, four back-row single pins, one of which was flagged, and a 4-7-9. One thing is for sure; Victory's new pins seem to have a knack for leaving 4-9, 4-7-9 combos. I think I saw at least 15 across the house tonight!
Game 3
X X X X X 9- X X X X72 - 253
Now, this was more like it...kind of. Obviously, it was nice to come out with the front five strikes. This game made me remember just how good the Intellect is when the lanes start to carry down a bit because it just keeps chewing through the oil! I left a half 10-pin in the sixth and, like a dummy, missed it because I failed to add a piece of tape to my spare ball. I recovered to throw the next four in a row before hanging in the ball on the second shot in the 10th, resulting in a 2-4-8.
So, when all was said and done, the strong last game allowed me to notch a 636 series, which was respectable considering the modest opening games. Next week, I'm going to try to get a bit more practice in if possible, and I'm going to get my fit issues worked out so that I have more versatility in regard to ball choice. Still, as has always been the case, when the backends start to tighten up, there is no better go-to ball than my Mastermind Intellect!